Leader in Training
2023 Leader in Training program report: Jan & Feb Snow Programs
Date: January 21-22, 28-29, February 11-12
Location: Tsunan, Niigata
We had 3 sessions of overnight snow programs in January and February. Campers joined the program one home at a time, but LITs were free to participate in any sessions. In the program, they basically had 2 tasks: kitchen and activity support. In the kitchen, they had the vital job of supporting meal preparation, serving, and cleanup for all program participants. The activity team had the usual tasks of supporting all activities, such as preparing and managing snow gear, checking that all campers were wearing gloves and boots properly, and helping campers whenever needed.
Because the activities and the flow for both days were similar, they had many opportunities to reflect on and improve the process. On top of that, many LIT members came to the program for more than one session, so they had opportunities to improve each time. Preparing the snow gear and making hot chocolate was a part of their tasks, and the process became very smooth by assigning members to specific tasks. In the third session, all LITs were in the activity support team with a designated leader. They organized the tasks and assignments, communicated well with each other, and showed great teamwork.
We still have 2 more sessions of the snow program this season, and the same members are planning to join. They will be even more familiar with the environment and the tasks. We are looking forward to another great teamwork and fun snow program!