Leader in Training

2023 Workplace Visit Program: KEEN

Date: August 29 (office visit) / August 30&31 (internship)
Location: Tokyo, Kanagawa

   KEEN has continuously supported Mirai no Mori for the past several years, and this time, they gave LITs an opportunity to visit their office and experience internships at their stores. During the office visit, LITs learned about KEEN’s retail business and various social causes they support. A few employees then gave us a presentation on their backgrounds, roles at the company, and personal stories. Hearing about the employees’ working experiences, motivations, and things they learned after graduating from school was very useful for LITs as they prepare for their future. After a quick break and the office tour, LITs had an opportunity to talk to employees in small groups. Each group talked freely about their interests, from working life and careers to hobbies. Talking to the employees and learning about various career paths and outlooks toward working life has helped LITs to create a more detailed image of their adult lives.

   For the internship, LITs were split into two groups and were hosted at different locations for a more immersed experience. They got to experience actual tasks at retail stores, such as sorting products, organizing storage, talking to customers, and working the register machine. Most LITs had never worked in customer service, and for some, it was the first time working an 8-hour day. It was a great learning opportunity and eye-opening experience to be on the providing side of services rather than on the receiving side as they usually are. After the post-internship reflection with KEEN staff members, each LIT was given a pair of shoes of their choice, which was a very generous reward. Some of them were very proud to wear the pair of shoes they received at September program and told staff all about their experiences.

   Thank you very much to everyone at the KEEN office and the stores for providing LITs with such a valuable experience.

“Taking difficult situations at work, like not being able to control my surroundings, as an opportunity for growth to raise my self-worth was a new way of thinking for me.”

“I have no working experience yet, and of course, never done customer service either, so I’m glad I had the opportunity to experience it.”

“I learned that there are guidelines on how to approach customers and phrase questions at the stores, and saw the company’s commitment to keep improving their service. Also, it was very nerve-wracking to know that I was seen as one of the employees there, and I was exhausted at the end.”