Fundraiser “Knights in White Wine” on May 18th
Mirai no Mori will benefit from funds raised at a wine tasting evening on Wednesday May 18th, 7-10pm, at Roti in Roppongi hosted by amateur cycling team, the Knights in White Lycra
Mirai no Mori will benefit from funds raised at a wine tasting evening on Wednesday May 18th, 7-10pm, at Roti in Roppongi hosted by amateur cycling team, the Knights in White Lycra
The Association for Japan Exchange and Teaching (AJET) has announced Mirai no Mori as its first community partner
Yesterday Quiz Night was a huge success with 65 people joining and having a great time! Everyone enjoyed good beer, food, and challenging quiz in Roppongi Hobgoblin
More and more people, through Knights in White Lycra, are supporting Mirai no Mori thanks to all the hard work of everyone involved
More and more people through Knights in White Lycra are supporting Mirai no Mori thanks to all the hard work of everyone involved
Knights in White Lycra will hold a fundraiser “Quiz Night” for Mirai no Mori on Thursday, April 17th
Knights in White Lycra held a fundraiser “Craft Beer Night” on March 17th, and raised 143,000 yen for Mirai no Mori
We are happy to announce that our 2015 annual report is now ready for you to enjoy! It contains a lot of new contents: new partners’ and ambassadors’ introduction, summer camp report, Back to Nature reports
On May 26th, a cycling team called the “Knights in White Lycra” consisting of expatriate and Japanese men and women of all ages and abilities, will ride 550km from Tokyo to Ichinoseki in Iwate in four days
We are happy to announce that the credit card donation to Mirai no Mori is now available
Knights in White Lycra will hold a fundraiser “Craft Beer Night” for Mirai no Mori on Wednesday, March 16th
The Knights in White Lycra are a diverse community of amateur cyclists of all standards raising awareness and funds for community projects in Japan