Leader in Training

Leader in Training Program 2018 vol. 2 Report

Date: May 19-20, 2018
Location: Mitake

The Back toNature Program was the hiking through a fresh spring forest.

LIT participants were, once again, a great help from the start. They supported the orientation, carried extra water and lunch, and supported the team leaders during the hike. They also took an advantage during the hike to talk to the sponsor volunteers about their company and jobs.

The evening was our first International Dinner, where they prepared delicious Mexican dinner with a special guest chef, using only English!

On Sunday, further details of final project and the proposal were discussed and presented. It looks like this year’s project will require a different set of skills to complete, compared to last year. We’ll be looking forward to seeing how they grow and learn the skills to accomplish their new goals.

In the afternoon, we were invited to an event held by one of the homes in local area. We all had a great fun and ended up staying a little longer than we had planned.