Leader in Training

Leader in Training Program vol.14 Report

The program this time was only for one day, and it was all for preparation for their final project, which is in 2 weeks! The venue was the actual location of the seminar, and they were able to work out all the details, like layout and reception, as well equipment that they need for the actual presentation.

They spend the morning on creating and improving the contents and the slides, and in afternoon, they had the first rehearsal from the beginning to the end. This seminar will a unique opportunity to hear about the lives in the children’s home through actual experiences.

While there were a lot of feedback and suggested improvements, they should now know what needs to be done, and it is all up to them to finish it and keep practicing for the day.

We are all looking forward to seeing what they will bring to the stage in 2 weeks.


The LIT seminar is by invitation only and requires pre-registration. If you’re interested in attending, please contact us by email: info@mirai-no-mori.jp. Please note that the seminar is in Japanese only.