Leader in Training
Leader in Training Program vol.15 Report
Date: Sunday, March 17, 2019
Location: Accenture Minato Mirai Office
Participants: Around 60 guests
The last LIT program for this year was the preparation and the actual seminar. We started earlier than usual on Saturday morning, to finish the preparation. They started with finalizing the contents and the slides, as well as tweaking the flow and phrases so that they can convey the message more effectively. They were supposed to finish the slides by lunch time and move on to rehearsal, but it ended up taking them all afternoon. And by the time they finished with rehearsal and got feedback, it was quite late int the evening.
On Sunday, we started the day with the final practice, incorporating all the feedback from the previous night, then prepared to welcome guests by setting up reception and arranging volunteer helpers.
There were about 60 guests, including the employees of the sponsoring companies, Mirai no Mori camp staff, and care workers from a few different homes. The actual seminar went very smoothly. The participants were all fully engaged for the entire seminar, with personal experiences and stories that they normally won’t be able to hear and opportunities to ask questions about the care homes directly. It took a little longer than the practice because of it, but LITs did very well and participants were all amazed with their accomplishment.
While there were many ups and downs this year, each LIT gained new experience and had new discovery for themselves, and have grown accordingly. Whether they will come back to Mirai no Mori as LITs next year or not, we hope they will all continue to grow and discover new possibilities for themselves with skills and knowledge that they acquired this year.
To the supporters of the program, thank you so much for your generous support for the LIT program this year. We will continue to improve this program, so that more children can live confidently and happily, when they go out into the society. We truly appreciate your continuous support for LITs and Mirai no Mori.