
Special Christmas Home Visit

Date: December 22, 2023
Place: Tokyo
Participants: 20 campers, 5 LITs, 2 Mirai no Mori staff, 8 sponsors
Sponsor: KEEN


With Christmas just around the corner, we joined KEEN staff to deliver a Christmas program to a care home that is well known for its outdoor activities and has been a long-time Mirai no Mori program partner. All the children and the staff were donated a nice pair of KEEN shoes, and with a great support of LIT, each child was able to choose their favorite shoes.
Afterwards, KEEN led a workshop on badge making, eco-bag making, shoelace crafts, and music workshop, and many children enjoyed the activities and brought home many souvenirs and smiles.
“I was so happy to do ALL the activities.. I made badges, eco-bags, and joined the music workshop!” by camper
“I was impressed by the camper’s creativity of using colorful stamps instead of just a single color when they were making the eco-bags.” by LIT
“The LITs who had internship experience at the KEEN store were very proactive in helping the campers choose their shoe sizes and were very helpful. The way each LIT worked with the KEEN staff to make the activity exciting was a team effort that could only happen with KEEN’s continuous support and interaction with LITs.” by Mirai no Mori staff
Thank you to everyone who helped make this Christmas-like day a success!