
Visit to British School in Tokyo

Date: June 28, 2023
Place: British School in Tokyo
Participants: about 30 students, 3 BST staff, 2 Mirai no Mori staff

We gave a presentation to year 11 and 12 students of British School in Tokyo, the only British school in Japan offering a British-style educational program for students from 3 to 18 years old to introduce our programs at Mirai no Mori.

One of the Knights in White Lycra riders, who has been one of our big supporters, who is also actively involved in the BST PTA, invited us to give a message to the students that there are social problems in the world and that they can contribute to society through volunteer activities such as this. 

We introduced Mirai no Mori’s programs and our own experiences with campers, and discussed what tools we can use to contribute to society.

Various opinions were raised, such as making donations through various activities to solve poverty issues, and improving the quality of education to prevent problems from occurring.

What can we do in the midst of all the social problems? We hope that our talk will inspire them in a small way, and they will play an active role in building a better society in the future.

Thank you very much, British School in Tokyo, for this special opportunity.