Leader in Training
2021 Online Company Visit: Morgan Stanley
Date: Saturday, June 5th, 2021
Location: Online
Participants: 3 high school student, 1 Program Graduate, 7 corporate volunteers, 2 Mirai no Mori staff
Sponsor: Morgan Stanley
We were able to hold another online company visit program for high school students, this time with Morgan Stanley. This program aims to help the children with their preparation for their independence while under various restrictions and limited learning opportunities during the pandemic. We also had one of our graduates join us, who is currently in her second year in university.
After a quick introduction, employees of the company gave us a simple and easy to understand explanation of financial industry and the company itself. They used examples that were familiar to all of us, and there were many good questions from the students, expanding their knowledge about the industry and the society. After the explanation, students had chance to ask more personal questions regarding the work, career path, and what motivates them. Each of the employees told us about their own experiences and gave students many great advice. They reflected at the end on what they have learned through this program.
“I now have better idea on what a “company” actually is. It was great to learn about the financial industry. I now have one more option to think about for my career.”
“I’m in my second year of university now, and I felt pressured to decide on my career path and where to work. However, after listening to everyone’s stories, I’ve learned that I don’t have to decide right away because everyone goes through many twists and turns before settles into their profession.
This program had not only given the students new perspectives for their career, but also a chance to practice online communication, which they will require as they prepare for their independence in these restricted times. Thank you very much for providing such a unique opportunity for the children.