Leader in Training
2023 Leader in Training program report: March Snow Programs & Closing Ceremony
Date: March 3-4, 11-12, 18-19
Location: Tsunan, Niigata & Mitake, Tokyo
The first 2 weekends of March were the last sessions of the Snow program this season. The temperature was warming up, the snow was getting heavy, and we could feel Spring was very near. LITs worked as a team, once again, under one leader. We had a few members who came to all five sessions this season, so they knew their tasks very well and were able to prepare several steps ahead. In the last session, each member was paired up with staff who came to the snow program for the first time, and LITs had to give instructions to the new staff. There were a few minor issues along the way, but they solved them efficiently through communication and fully enjoyed the spring snow activities.
We had the closing ceremony the following weekend. On Saturday, LITs had a quick workshop in the morning and started preparing for the presentation and the speech. They were to give a project report on the Hiroshima visit and an individual speech reflecting on this year’s program. For the report, they divided themselves into each task they had, came up with content, and prepared the slides using the photos from the project. They also prepared their individual speech, practicing with staff and getting feedback. We had 20 guests for the ceremony, including Mirai no Mori staff and care workers from LIT’s care homes. LITs looked very nervous in front of the guests, but they had well-prepared presentations and speeches and answered questions from the audience well. After the ceremony, we had a BBQ dinner with all the guests and enjoyed delicious food and great company.
On Sunday, we went hiking in a nearby mountain as a last activity for this year’s program. While preparing the packed lunch in the morning, we had individual check-ins with each member. We asked them to reflect on this year, but mostly think about the goals for next year and plans to achieve them, and how they can use Mirai no Mori programs. After the check-in, we went hiking in the refreshing early spring mountain.
We had many unique members in this year’s program, but they came together to form a great team. One member is graduating this year and planning to join the graduate program next year. The rest of the members are already looking forward to another year as LIT. Each of them is in a different stage with different goals, and we will continue to provide a unique learning environment for them to reach their goals.