Leader in Training
2024 Workplace Visit Program: Michael Page
Date: August 26, 2024
Location: Tokyo
We had a very special program with Michael Page where they hosted an office visit and communication workshop for the LITs at their office in Roppongi. After a quick self-introduction and an office tour, we went straight into the workshop. Their first task was to come up with a few episodes of past experiences where they had difficulties with communication and reflect on how it could’ve been improved. In addition to LITs, we had a few graduates joining the workshop, and they had episodes from new schools and workplaces that they just started in the spring. Each participant had an employee to support the process, so they were able to reflect in detail.
They then learned the basics of communication, particularly the importance of body language. After they learned the theory, it was time to practice with the partner employee. It was a great opportunity for them to learn about their own behavior and habits objectively. They also learned about listening and how their reactions affect the talker and the conversation itself. In the reflection at the end, they organized what they learned into things they will “stop, continue, and start”, and reconfirmed their take-aways of the day.
In this special program, the participants learned about communication and the opportunity to gain skills that they can use in their everyday lives. We had participants with a wide range of ages however because each of them had a partner employee to work with, everyone was able to learn in their own way, matching to their life stages. Thank you very much to everyone at Michael Page who participated in the workshop for an amazing learning opportunity.
“I realized how important the body language is in communication. Even things I do unconsciously are a part of communication. I will keep this in mind, especially since an interview for my entrance exam is coming up soon.”
“I was surprised to learn that location of hands, facial expression, and tone of voice can change how we see others and how others see me. I also realized some of my habits, so I will be mindful of this from now on.”